Hydrolyzed Protein and Peptides Development: Key to Creating New S-Curve with Innovative Solutions from Industrial By-products
In an era where consumers are increasingly focused on health and sustainability, hydrolyzed proteins and peptides are emerging as vital ingredients in the food supplement and health product industries. Their exceptional nutritional properties and versatile applications make hydrolyzed proteins and peptides essential for creating a New S-Curve and adding significant value to your business.
Strategic Business Opportunities with Hydrolyzed Proteins and Peptides
Utilizing industrial by-products to produce hydrolyzed proteins and peptides not only generates revenue but also helps reduce waste and promote sustainability.
Our company specializes in developing hydrolyzed proteins and peptides using advanced enzymatic techniques, focusing on converting agricultural, poultry, and seafood industry by-products into high-value products. TIBD offers comprehensive services from lab-scale research and development to commercial-scale production and in-depth consultancy, ensuring your products can confidently enter the market.
Developing Active Ingredients in the Cosmetic, Supplement, and Health Food Industries
Hydrolyzed proteins and peptides offer numerous health benefits, making them highly sought after in various industries:
Cosmetic Industry:
Hydrolyzed proteins and peptides are highly effective skincare ingredients, helping to hydrate, brighten the skin, and reduce wrinkles, making your cosmetic products stand out in the market.
Supplement Industry:
With easy absorption and muscle-building properties, hydrolyzed proteins and peptides are essential in dietary supplements, aiding in muscle mass increase, post-exercise muscle recovery, and immune system enhancement.
Functional Foods:
Hydrolyzed proteins and peptides enhance the nutritional value of food and beverages, appealing to health-conscious consumers seeking high-nutritional-value products.
Comprehensive Extraction Services from Advanced Research to Market-Ready Products
TIBD provides expert consultancy for entrepreneurs looking to develop hydrolyzed proteins and peptides from various industrial by-products, including:
Plant-Based Protein Hydrolysate:
Derived from plants such as mung beans, sprouted mung beans, rice bran, duckweed, and coffee cherry.
Agri-Waste Protein Hydrolysate:
Produced from agricultural by-products like mung bean husk, rice bran, black rice bran, mango seeds, and coffee grounds.
Poultry Protein Hydrolysate:
Extracted from chicken breast bones, chicken carcasses, offal, or other parts left from poultry processing.
Marine Protein Hydrolysate:
Obtained from seafood by-products like fish scales, fish bones, and shrimp heads.
Dairy Protein Hydrolysate:
Sourced from cow milk, goat milk, colostrum, or other dairy products.
Expertise and Support for Your Project
Our team offers diverse expertise to provide comprehensive and efficient services:
- Biochemical Researchers: Expertise in developing and analyzing hydrolyzed proteins and peptides.
- Production Planning Specialists: Assist in planning production from lab scale to industrial scale.
- Financial Consultants: Help plan cost structures and pricing strategies to maximize business profitability.
- Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS): Safety information documentation.
- Technical Data Sheet (TDS): Technical information documentation.
- Specification Sheet: Product specification documentation.
- Certificate of Analysis (COA): Analysis certification.