Genotoxicity Test for Cosmetic Ingredients and products in Thailand and Asia

TIBD is glad to offer Genotoxicity Test service to our customers. We have a strong focus on deep technology of health and beauty, and has extensive expertise in this field. We believe in strong collaboration and bringing in all expertise together in order to provide excellent services to its customers. TIBD is in collaboration with top universities and research institutes in Thailand and around the globe with our partnership in Japan and Brazil.
Our head office is located in Bangkok, Thailand and we are happy to meet you in person and provide you consultation services regarding the genotoxicity test service and our other services that you are interested in. Please visit here to find out our other services.
What is a genotoxicity test?
Genotoxicity is the toxic that can be found in the chemicals and that has abilities to cause damage to genetic materials. The damage to genetic materials by genotoxicity can result in mutation and many types of cancers.
The purpose of genotoxicity test is to find out if the cosmetics products contain the ingredients with the properties that can cause mutation or cancers to the product users. The Genotoxicity tests offered by TIBD are in accordance with OECD guidelines.
We provide 3 various types of Genotoxicity Tests
There are three genotoxicity tests that are available in the arm of TIBD. They are as followed:
Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test
This test is a widely used initial screening test method to discover potential gene mutations in the new chemical products. To detect mutation, the test uses amino-acid that is lacking strains of Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli. The test discovers mutations which revert mutations in the tested product sample and restore the ability of bacteria to grow and synthesise an absent essential amino acid. This test follows OECD guidelines 471.
In vitro Mammalian Cell Micronucleus Test (MNvit)
In vitro Mammalian Cell Micronucleus Test, known as MNvit, is an in vitro test method used to investigate micronuclei which is a sign of genotoxicity and to detect genotoxic substances that shelter chromosome damaging potential. This test is in compliance with OECD guidelines 487.
In Vitro Comet Assay
In vitro Comet Assay (also known as single cell gel electrophoresis assay) is used to test genotoxicity in substances such as cosmetic products, industrial chemicals, agrochemicals, and pharmaceuticals. This test is used to measure DNA strand breaks in eukaryotic cells.

Who should Apply for Genotoxicity tests?
We serve a wide range of customers, and among our customers are companies associated with the beauty industry, such as:
- Cosmetic Ingredients Suppliers
- Cosmetic Brand Owners
- Entrepreneurs in Health and Beauty Industry
- Cosmetic Safety Testing Agencies
- Cosmetic Private Label Manufacturers
What are the benefits of conducting a Genotoxicity Test?
There are numerous advantages for cosmetic brand owners to have their products genotoxicity tested. A few from many benefits are listed below:
- The safety of consumers will be ensured.
- You will comply with product safety regulations of your respective country.
- You will prevent potential damage to your company and brand’s image.
- The report can be used as evidence of skin irritation tested.
- The test result can be used in marketing campaigns.