Single Patch Test for Cosmetics Manufacturers and Business Owners in Thailand and Asia

TIBD is glad to offer Single Patch Test to our customers. We have a strong focus on deep technology of health and beauty, and has extensive expertise in this field. We believe in strong collaboration and bringing in all expertise together in order to provide excellent services to its customers. TIBD is in collaboration with top universities and research institutes in Thailand and around the globe with our partnership in Japan and Brazil.
Our head office is located in Bangkok, Thailand and we are happy to meet you in person and provide you consultation services regarding the genotoxicity test service and our other services that you are interested in. Please visit here to find out our other services.
What is a Single Patch Test for cosmetic products?
Singple Patch Test is a method to discover if there are any specific substances such as alcohol, perfume, sulphate used in cosmetic products are too much and causing allergic inflammation on a patient’s skin or not. The test is conducted on healthy volunteering subjects by using the patch test kits. The skin reactions such as redness and swelling are assessed by planting the patch kits on the subject’s back up to 48 hours. Then, the result is determined by highly trained dermatologists after the patch removal.
The patch test is done through a series of appointments. The first appointment could take up to 30 minutes where the patches are planted on the back. The patches stay on the back on the subject for two days (48 hours). After two days, the subject will have another appointment, and the patches are removed. The last appointment will take place two days later after the patches are removed.

Who should Apply for a Single Patch Test?
We serve a wide range of customers, and among our customers are companies associated with the beauty industry, such as:
- Cosmetic Ingredients Suppliers
- Cosmetic Brand Owners
- Entrepreneurs in Health and Beauty Industry
- Cosmetic Safety Testing Agencies
- Cosmetic Private Label Manufacturers
What are the benefits of conducting a Single Patch Test?
There are numerous advantages for cosmetic brand owners to have their products have single patch tested. A few from many benefits are listed below:
- The safety of consumers will be ensured.
- You will comply with product safety regulations of your respective country.
- You will prevent potential damage to your company and brand’s image.
- The report can be used as evidence of skin irritation tested.
- The test result can be used in marketing campaigns.